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Hyderabad recent comments:

  • Skandagiri Murugan Temple(స్కందగిరి), P SESHAGIRI RAO (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Priests May Be Strict.
  • Skandagiri Murugan Temple(స్కందగిరి), P SESHAGIRI RAO (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Priests May Strict. But it does not mean that they are after money. Are we not facing such situations in other temples. Here Lord Subrahmanyeswara is powerful. The Temple rituals are carried out as per Tamil Systems. The Priests put the money given to them in Harathi Plates in to Hundi. For Personal they don't take anything.
  • Lakeview apartments, A (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    After reading the above comments, what is the latest news for this venture? Is there any LRS/BPS done in this?
  • Cyber Towers, Niko Jr (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Charminal is forever the most iconic structure of Hyderabad and therefore will be forever be the landmark
  • Hussainia Devdi-e-Nawab Inayeth Jung Bahadur, Mustafa Ali (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Nawab Inayet Jung Bahadur was the grand son of Nawab ruknud dowlah Mosa minister of Hyderabad deccan.
  • KPHB Park, Rishikesh (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Who owns this land? And why is this not being developed?
  • Tiku's Home, Sudershan (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I lived here too... great memories
  • EME Record Office, Hav madhusudhan (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Is upgrading reqd for pre mature retirement
  • Valerian Grammar High School, Vinodh (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    V.VInodh Contact number : 9989224035
  • TSRTC Uppal Bus Depot., D VINODHA (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Sir My Name is D.Vinodha, i am working in Icici bank yesterday evening i lost my wallet in bus, from koti to uppal bus no. 115 and i lost my ID cards ATM, please inform me that if u get the wallet. thanking u CONTACT NO. 8096590364
  • Alwal, Narsing Rao Surnilla (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Alwal is one of the Municipal divisions of Grater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, abbreviated and popularly known as GHMC. The place was originally known as ALUVAALAYA, named after Aluvelu Manga, consort of the presiding deity Lord Venkateshwara of the famous temple situated there. It got transformed and came to be known as ALUVAALA, the most popular and likened name by the locals for centuries, before it got the Englishised name ALWAL. It does not bear any close nor any scant connection with the name Alwar, which is popular in tits own way.
  • Hyderabad Airport PTC Area, Waseem (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Very useful information. Can you intimate the timings of this PTC? Is it available for the domestic passengers also?
  • sri prakash darak land survey no.48,49,50,51,52,53 , srinu (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    sy no 48 ,53
  • KPHB Colony, SuDesh Bhogaraju wrote 8 years ago:
    how much population will be there kphb colony
  • Gayatri Grammar High School, Aadarsh Nagar, Opp. IDPL colony, Hyderabad, Imthiyaz (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Teacher are playing politics
  • Anand Biscuit Factory, Shafi (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    sir i need a helper job in your factory
  • G I Technis MEP TRAINING CENTRE, GDASTAGIR wrote 8 years ago:
  • R&B Department Office,government of Andhra Pradesh, India, Gopi (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Please proceeding my village sanctioned road., address:chinpalem,duggirala,guntur,ap-522305
  • Bharat Seva Ashram Sangha, Karunamoy Choudhury (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I would like to stay at BSS Hyd, for 4_to 5 days with my family consists 4 adults & three children, from 22/12/2016 at 9 am can u confirm me vide phone . My phone no. is 09436765966. With regards. Karunamoy Choudhury Chandmari Lane, near Kendriya Vidyalay, Tarapur, Silchar, Assam pin- 788003
  • Dilkushnagar, Ramu (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Island of hyderabd